Payment Information

Flexible payment options
We make it easy to buy!
Device Optical honors Visa, Mastercard & American Express

We accept American Express Travelers Checks

Now you can pay with PayPal anywhere online

Send money worldwide. A global leader in money transfer
services. More than 245.000 Western Union Agent location
in over 200 countries and territories

You can pay by Wire Transfer.
For our bank information please contact us by e-mail:
or by phone: 305 889 0913

If you are in USA you can deposit directly in our Banks.

Find a Wells Fargo near you.
Please Click Here
For our Wells Fargo Bank account information please contact us by e- mail:
or by phone: 305 889 0913

We accept Checks ( USA Bank only )
Device Optical accepts checks made payable to
Device Optical LC
For more information please contact us
by phone: 305 889 0974

* All payments should be made in US Dollars
* Terms on all orders are prepay unless credit has been established